Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chicky Wot-zit

Hey Hey Hey!!!

It's Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Albert!

Hi, Fat Albert! 

I watch your TV show in my kid time. I will always remember you and your catchy song, but right now you rudely interrupting my time with acquantaince of Chicky Wot-zit.

Watch out for Chicky Wot-zit! She get crabby real fast-like. She get her name because when someone talk to her, she practically scream "WOT-ZIT?" She remind me of the many people I has the honor to know, including myself. 

Ooooh-weeee! Don't you get up on wrong side of Chicky Wot-zit!!!

No say I no warn you!

Even besides that though, she have her good side, which is sending birthday card, making list, and eating popcorn.

So, there! You have become acquaint with new friend...lucky you! 

Hey Hey Hey...
Aw, forget it!

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