Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ginsberger & Rebozo

Hello young lovers, wherevahs you are!!! 

Are you o.k.? Are you enjoy your life?

Please take care to treat yourselfs well!

We here at Pink Otter Party are drinking merlot and hopping 
you are neither starving, hysterical or naked. 

Unlike friends of poet Mr. Allen Ginsberger, who lost their mind and ran into street only to be destroy by pingpong and Canada.

Read the famous poetry of "HOWL" to read all about it!!!

"HOWL" also warn of the other thing which drive people crazy and leading to your downfall, such as:

--potato salad
--lamb stew

So, in short...avoid those thing!  in order to lives the good life of clothing, food and sanitary.

You has been warn!

On the other hand, Pink Otter Party is very enamor of new Word of Day (WOD):


What, might you ask, is meaning? Well, well, well! 

My American fellow: ask not what the meaning can do for you, rather, what you can do for the meaning. 

In other word:  whenevahs you has more than one bozo in the room, then all those other bozo beside the first bozo are the re-bozo. Conversely, you can rebozo as a verb: I rebozo, you rebozo, they rebozos. The funny things is, you put the meaning to it, and build your baseball field in the corn: if you mean it, they will come!!!

Thus, and so it is written, to have the useful word, REBOZO. 

If you (are) like me, and gods to help you if you are, you will now become obsess with this words. REBOZO will be mother to you, smothering you in her fat, singing you off-key lullaby, and feeding you beastmilk. You will need to grow up, and wean yourselfs off that sweet bird of youth so as to continue your lifes and responsibly with all the busy most important thing to do, such as:  shuffle paper, yawn, and eat your lunch.

As Okaasan say:  No goof your stuff!



  1. It is the animals that teach us truths about the playfulness and reality of life. Pink is powerful!
