Thursday, December 16, 2010

Carry Me, Grant!


My, isn't it worm! 

We hair at Pink Otter Potty is wishing you dis-ease 


hoodilay seasons.  

I, being ill and thairfour men ass to society, have ingenuonuously cree-ated my own spittoon    (click here: Helpful info to learning spittoon!)

out of purasuchikku 

(or prastic, for those of you unfortunate wivvout Okaasans)  

bagusu (baggs

of the Vons or Albert's Son variety.

This makeshi(f)t spittoon is then place near the place whair bolidy fruid (namely, spat,) may moss occur, such as bed, florr, car, or lastly, couch, where one is forced to lie, cat and chocklate at hand, whatching Cary Grant movies. 

O, the humanity!

Now I say to you, much as Cary Grant say to Ev-a Me-a Alone-a Saint in North by West:

"How does a girl like you get to be a boy like me?"

Or, vice versa!!!


Actuarilly, nothing beat the Cary Grant movie to put the smile on you! 

As Leave Me Alone Saint say to Carry-Me Grant, "It's a nice face."


 (click here) "A little trouty, but quite good!"

:-)    :-)    :-)     :-)     :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))



TO SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WITH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(mumblebumble garblebarble)...g'nite, ev'b'dy--BE GOOD, and remember the secret phrase that bind us all in dis floating whirl:

"the goat is squeezing through the sphincter"


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