JOY TO THE WHIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Febrooary--what-a month for celebrazen, feliciticitation and feliz navidad!
Let me be the furs (perhats the only!!) to wishing you Happy Chineeze Nude Year, Valentino, and, the, upcoming, Precedents' Day!!!!!
I givin you all-in-won best wishes, pom-poms and circumstance, blahblahblah, etc, so as to get more bang for my buck.
What-a lucky you are!!!
Hey anyway...where you been? You was almost left behind (unintelligibly, of course) by Pink Otter Party!!!!!!!!
(voice from the cowed: "If you left behind, is that mean I right behind?")
I sit corrected!
I say, old chaps, wheres' Old Bean been??
(Aside: Hey, I can make a teepee! /\ )
All I shall say, at this puncture, is that Olé Bean is safe and round (as am I!) and, as of this weakend, full-o-beans! AKC: Church Supper Casseroll, made with hots dog and bean, an O.B. resippy and favorite amongst all of us here at Pink Otters' Party!
As if you dont have enough beans in your life, turn to us again, for another episode of...
"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days..."
(Heckker in the front row: Shaddap!!!)
As I says, before I so rewdly Mr. Bean in my video roll. (I trust, old chaps, that you can find it?!.?!.?!.) If you rike to raugh, then raugh you will!
Still here? Wow, you has stanima!
So enjoy your Frebrewrary! , and, revel in beans! beans! beans!, and more beans!
Happy toilet!
/\ /\ /\
More old bean!
ReplyDeleteI love old mean, he is the best!
Yes, we here at Pink Otter Party loves Old Mean Bean!!!