Guess "hooooo"!!!!!
Itzu ME, aging!!!
We her at Pink Otterz Par-tay has been berry-berry buzzy, doing ting such as work, stuffin our face, and go to baffroom. Plus, put on lip-sdick!!!
What an ordeal!!!
And yet, and yet...
Despot this buzzy lie-style, A*MAY**ZING!!!*LEE we still haz time to ass the question:
iz your'e mind a shambles?
Well, Froggy, Guess What?
One day, our buzzy lies, like flowerz that close up in the night, will all "bee", how can i put delicately,
Thass right--DED!!! (cue sinister muzak)
Holy shaving cream, Batman--What-a RIPOFF!!!
And, how dreary, not to mentions, utterly ordinary!!!
"Like sand threw the *OW!* -er glass, so iz the daze ov our lies..."
So fill yore daze wif wine, (wo)/men and song, a'd (poetic) think not ov the marrow, but chew the fat off the land until cows come home like vultures to pik yo're bonz clean. :-)))))
Zum gali gali gali, zum gali gali!
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