Friday, October 22, 2010

La Bloqued Toilette


How are you on this gray and hopefully day?
Spleendid, I hop!

We here at Pink Otter Party has, what you might call, a (hush hush) toilet sit-u-a-shuns goings on. 

?What? You didnt' hear? May I scream it for you?
I saids:  

WE HAS A TOILET SIT-U-A-SHUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Madame, shall we be French? How, perchance, did this...uh...schit-u-a-shuns, come to happening in your, shall we say, toilette?

"Oui oui!" (translations: "Wee wee!") says Madman. "Pipez-down, et moi will tell-ez you le story!!

Mon cherry, remember Tiberius??? Le grand hippo dans toot le monde? Ah, savoir-faire! Il came to drink le thé avec moi, et to eet zee leetle cup-of-cake. Suddenly, zing-zing, vite-vite, 'excusez-moi!'

Et, le next things moi know, mon toilette, is, shall we say, bloqued. 

Mon Dieu!!!" 

Oh, perchance, Madamn!  Merci pour le story!

Lettuce leafing the French for now to consider the case of Tiberius. He come ovah, happiness drinking the tea and eating cup-o'-cakes in his majestic way, and he very promptly to block our toilet, commencing all manner of inconvenient for us!!!

And yet...and yet................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

...........we cannot help, perchance, but to love Tiberius. For, mais oui, to love Tiberius is to love all of Tiberius, with no exceptional of his asstounding toiret-brocking skills. 

Tiberius, dont' hang your heads! WE LOVES YOU!!!

Brave hippo:  Go gentle into that good toilet!

Au reservoir!!!


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