Saturday, November 6, 2010


Hola, Amigos!!!

Mahalo and (Perry) Como Estas!!!

We hear at Pink Otter Party has been absent these past couple weeks, due to multiple of social event and obrigations, incruding cruising in Mexico, Harroween, Friday night Rocky Horror and, of course, erection activities. And plus, just being plumb tucker out!

O what a tangled up in blue web we weaves!

Neverthemore, some highlights pour vous (i.e., "poor you"):

Cruise was enjoy again by Old Bean and me. We meted people with odd name, such as Pui and Kamchana and other so strange we cannot be bother to remember. I threwed beanbag, bought scarfs and wore mask. Old Bean hang out in da smoky cashino, drink his Manhattans and Brooklyns and, by a teck-neek known as deus ex machina, win me at mini-gorufu.

In additionally, we exprerience for the fist time the couples hot stone message.

What can one say, but "hey, where can I get more dees paper undies they make us wear?"

Whoever, in a scientific pole, we ask 1,000 adult give us one good reason why is better to be adult than kid. Two person, of the initial "O.B." and "C.-n.", give us the answer of "BECAUSE OF THE HOT STONE MESSAGE, DUMMY!"

Mr. Pink, our relaxation consultant, travel companion and bear-child, went to dog boo-teek, became a mariachi and win the heart of Mexican everywhere with his stigmatic charm and Moaning Lisa smile!

As for Harroweens, I tellin' you, you mist out, mista! We hear at Pink Otter Party handed out the guudo candy, no cheepies! Chock-o's such as Peanut MM, Miruky Way, and such. The kidz what came to POP's place got rots o' candy and made out like bandit--ooooo-weeeee!!!

Meanwhiles, Okaasan weasel out of another Harroween by turning all da lights out in her house and being reeeel quiet-like.


I mean, AHEM!...(throught clearing to go on for as long as needing)

(Finally...Sir Winston Churchill voice): Here we are, post-erection, standing on the prespiss of urinary incontinence...AHEM!


On to more important thing, like Rocky Horror!

O, how it warm the cockerels of my heart to seeing new generation of whipsnappers doing the Time Warp!!! I has face in the future of dis great nay-shun, that the sun shall never set on the British Empire as long as King Frank rain o'er the land!

Adios, Amigos!

Mahalo and Aloha!!!

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