Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Knockety, knock-knock, knock-knock!

(cautious peeking thru door crack) "Who dat?"


"Whaaaa? I not buy nothin! Go way! Leaf me lone!" (slam!)

(trying again) Knockety, knock-knock, knock-knock!

(all light out, creepy up on door, one eye look thru pee(p)hole, no say nuthin...then...a evile cat walk into yard, big as please! Door flies open...or is that "Flies open door"???) "Hey, get out, stoopid cat! I get broom on you...no poop in my yard! Go home, get, get...I go wild woman on you...I turn water on, hose you! Boo! Boo!  

(assessing situations) "Hey! Hey, You! What you doin, all wild woman on dat cat? Let me bring back to you what call, REALTY. In Otter words, dis what is call 'joque' (pronounce 'ho-kay' in Spanish). Afta I say "Chester", you a-posed ta say, 'Chester who?', then I a-posed ta say: 'Chester Drawers!!!'"

Then, hillary ensue!!!

But now you go an roonin my joke, all for stoopid poopin cat...Well! 

(evile chin rubbing) I shall half the last lalf...just try say dis, while you watching evile neighbor cat poops in your yard--MUAHAHAHAHA!

The Sixth Sick Sheikh's Sixth Sheep's Sick.

Or, bitter yet:

Lesser Leather Never Weathered Wetter Weather Better. 

M U A H A H A H A H A A A A A A A A!


  1. fling the poop
    and hit the evile
    from the cat

    no boo boo
    no broom broom

    fling the poop at the evile
